Sheffield Conservation Volunteers
Free to all. No Booking required.


General Cemetery July 2024

General Cemetery July 2024

The main job today at the General Cemetery was Chestnut paling fence repair.

Broomhill Library Community Garden

Broomhill Library Community Garden

Working at Broomhill Library Community Garden. We are helping Broomhill Community Trust, who run the library, to renovate the Garden. We have been helping them clear soil, rubble & vegetation from the site. We had our first visit in 2019 and have worked there several times since. Photographs kindly donated by Kathy Harbord of Broomhill Community Trust.

Wadsley & Loxley Common January 2024

Wadsley & Loxley Common January 2024

We were clearing saplings from the meadow area and along the corridor linking it to the picnic table meadow. There is little grassland on the Common, so these areas are good for flowers and also an important place for waxcap fungi in the autumn. A black & yellow ladybird was also rescued from drowning in our tea! Photos kindly donated by Heather Worden

General Cemetery October 2023

General Cemetery  October 2023

In October as part as monthly task with the General cemetery Sally, the Landscape manager, listed us activities to do around the cemetery. From that list we were able to do habitat clearance next to a footpath near the orchid, cutting back the spotted Lorrel and clearing the vegetation of one of the trees from the garden

General Cemetery Sept 2023

General Cemetery Sept 2023

SCV work at the General Cemetery every month. Sally the Landscape Manager gives us a list of things that need doing. This month we were clearing the Rotunda, and clearing the path edge just down from the Nursery. Photographs kindly donated by Candice Higgins.

Wadsley & Loxley Common Sept 2023

Wadsley & Loxley Common  Sept 2023

We were continuing to pull the Bracken from the Heathland as the Bracken is outcompeting the Heather in certain places. Thanks to Heather Worden & Zach Watson for providing the photos.

Wadsley & Loxley Common Feb 2023

Wadsley & Loxley Common Feb 2023

Working with the Wadsley & Loxley Commoners. working on some of the informal paths that are being overgrown by tree branches and saplings.

General Cemetery Feb 2023

General Cemetery Feb 2023

The guys at the Cemetary asked us to build a stumpery to their plans. It's good for insects and mosses. This is the result. Lots of digging this week. We also fixed a fence post, and filled some holes.

Anston Stone Woods

Anston Stone Woods

It takes repeated visits to a site to remove the Balsam. Its important to pull it before it seeds itself as each plant can produce hundreds of seeds. If left, it will dominate native plant species. Photographs kindly donated by James Hookway.

Wadsley & Loxley Common

Wadsley & Loxley Common

SCV were at the Long Lane end of Wadsley & Loxley Common (near the "Stone Circle") removing some of the Bracken that was out competing the heather. Photographs kindly donated by James Hookway.

Wadsley & Loxley Common

Wadsley & Loxley Common

The group were with the Wadsley & Loxley Commoners removing Bracken which was dominating the Bilberry & Heather. Photographs kindly donated by James Hookway.

Anston Stone Woods

Anston Stone Woods

The group were Himalayan Balsam Pulling at Anston Stone Woods. This is a brand new site for SCV and was our first visit. If left, the Himalayan Balsam will eventually swamp an area, dominating the native plant species. Photographs kindly donated by James Hookway.



SCV spent a day working with 'Bradfield in Bloom' in the picturesque village of Bradfield. Photographs kindly donated by Hannah Isherwood.

Nest Boxes at Clough Field

Nest Boxes at Clough Field

There is a shortage of suitable nest sites for Tawny Owls. James Hookway followed a design from the RSPB specifically for Tawny Owls and made 3 nest boxes ( with Alan Edwards turning some wood for the perch). These were put up in Clough Field Woods. Photographs kindly donated by James Hookway

Residential in the Lakes

Residential in the Lakes

This Bank holiday the group went to tidy up the brash in the coppiced area that had been cut within the deer fence. The site is very attractive, with plenty of bluebells in the wood the weekend we were there. Photos kindly donated by Alan Edwards.

Wadsley and Loxley Common

Wadsley and Loxley Common

Heathland Restoration at Wadsley and Loxley Common. Parts of this site are beginning to be dominated by Silver birch and the heathland is disappearing. We are helping to restore the heathland by removing some of the birch. Photos kindly donated by James Hookway.

Footpath work at Clough Field Woods

Footpath work at Clough Field Woods

Footpaths require continual maintenance otherwise they can get washed away or covered in mud. Today we were reinstating some of the clogged up cross drains. Photographs kindly donated by James Hookway.

Residential in the Lakes

Residential in the Lakes

The group went up to the Lakes on the Jubilee Weekend and started putting up some deer fencing around part of the site. The area will eventually be coppiced. Photos kindly donated by Aiste Dijokaite.

Wadsley and Loxley Common

Wadsley and Loxley Common

Heathland Restoration of Wadsley & Loxley Common. Silver birch is a pioneer species, if left the birch will totally dominate and the heathland will turn into woodland. We are helping to restore part of the common back to heathland. Photos kindly donated by James Hookway.

Hedgelaying in the Gleadless Valley

Hedgelaying in the Gleadless Valley

Hedgelaying is a means of rejuvenating a hedge and still providing a boundary. We were hedgelaying in the Gleadless Valley for Gleadless Valley Wildlife Trust. Photos kindly donated by James Hookway.

General Cemetery

General Cemetery

We usually work at the General Cemtery on the first sunday of the month. The General Cemetery Trust look after the Cemetery and we work for them. Today getting material for a dead hedge. Photos kindly donated by James Hookway. With an update of photos from Alan Edwards later in the year.

Clough Field Woods

Clough Field Woods

A variety of jobs done at Clough Field Woods, our long term Project, on 27 November 2011, converting an overgrown allotment site into more of a natural woodland. Jobs included charcoal making, privet removal, bulb planting & path clearance. Photos kindly donated by James Hookway.

Beech thinning Gleadless

Beech thinning Gleadless

The group were thinning the beech whips around native saplings. Working with Gleadless Valley Wildlife Trust. Photos kindly donated by James Hookway

Hay raking in the Gleadless Valley

Hay raking in the Gleadless Valley

Hayraking in the Gleadless Valley with Gleadless Valley Wildlife Trust. Photos kindly supplied by James Hookway.

Hay Raking in Gleadless Valley

Hay Raking in Gleadless Valley

Hay Raking in the Gleadless Valley Valley with the Gleadless Valley Wildlife Trust. Photos kindly donated by James Hookway.

Pye Bank School

Pye Bank School

Helping staff to create a Nature Garden at Pye Bank School. Photos kindly donated by Karen Stanley.

Lakes Residential

Lakes Residential

Log splitting

Clough Field Woods

Clough Field Woods

Charcoal making at Clough Field Woods

Hay Raking in the Gleadless Valley

Hay Raking in the Gleadless Valley

Hay Raking at Lees Hall Open Space. Working for the Gleadless Valley Wildlife Trust. Photos kindly provided by William Fairhead of the Gleadless Valley Wildlife Trust.

Totley All Saints Primary School

Totley All Saints Primary School

Totley All Saints Primary School had a problem with their playground constantly flooding. We were asked to install some drainage for the school.

The Group

The Group

Various picture of our volunteers and committee members.

The Lakes

The Lakes

Dry stone walling scv style.

Habitat Management

Habitat Management

We do a fair bit of digging, here's what it looks like.

SCV 30th Anniversary

SCV 30th Anniversary

An evening of fun at The Sheffield Brewing Company to celebrate 30 years of The Sheffield Conservation Volunteers.

Bridge building

Bridge building

We got together with the Sheffield Rangers to build a bridge.

Tree work in Gleadless Valley

Tree work in Gleadless Valley

Tree thinning in the Orchard at Lees Hall and at Lees Hall Wood. Photos kindly provided by William Fairhead of the Gleadless Valley WildLife Trust.

Blackburn Meadows

Blackburn Meadows

We regularly do work at Blackburn Meadows which is a nature reserve up near Tinsley. Most years we work with the Sheffield Rangers (or to give them their full title "Sheffield City Council Parks and Countryside Rangers") to remove Willow from the Bird Sanctuary as it is preventing Birds from landing at the site.

Residential at Lakes

Residential at Lakes

Every year (sometimes twice a year) we go to the Lakes for a weekend. We generally do some dry stone walling, but we also make the most of the countryside.

Clough Field Woods

Clough Field Woods

Clough Field Woods is our Long Term Project. It was an overgrown allotment site that had been block planted with trees and left for years. These photos show some early work that we did. We managed to raise some money for a contractor, Stuart, to put a footpath through the woods. Our ultimate aim of this project is to convert into a more natural woodland rather than an overgrown allotment site. Photos kindly donated by Pete Worthington.

Early SCV

Early SCV

Sheffield Conservation Volunteers started life over 30 years ago. Here are some photos from the Early Days taken by photographer and then member, Roger Butterfield.

Phil Shaddock gave us this imformation about the start of SCV. "I was in the initial committee that started the group going. We met in the Old Queens Head and formed the committee with myself as treasurer, Pat Barnes as secretary, Heather Hammerton as chair, I think. Tony Grice was also involved. Mike Wild was the main driver, he was employed by BTCV and worked out of the Doncaster office."